提到餓肚子吃飯, 到現在最惱人的是被問 "你想吃什麼?", "What do you have a taste for?", "What would you like to eat?" 
對我而言這很蒜皮雞毛.  我吃什麼都好, 又沒特別挑.  但每次就是被問.... 為何不直接說: I'm starving, let's go to eat (Aladdin's, etc.)  簡單直接省時. 
既然要餓得要死還得花時間動大腦, 我就想辦法"挑".  不過往好處想, 能看又學到菜單上繁複亦或千奇百怪的名稱, 也吃到不一樣的美食 ^^ 
超餓還保持淑女-- I have a taste for seafood; I would like to go to (restaurant)
餓但還有力氣鳥毛-- I want something nutritious; I have a taste for something unique; I would like to go to the restaurant that does NOT serve (potato, green beans, etc.); I want to eat where they only serve small dishes; I just want to have a quick meal but no fast food, etc.  可能回答得不夠龜, 每次馬鈴薯總找的到.
餓到噢耍機車-- 很興奮的說 Oh, McDonalds! 馬鈴薯最討厭, 打死不吃麥當勞.  這招好用, 不過會招來小唸一頓. 
又餓又想不出來-- 加強口氣回問 What do YOU have a taste for?

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